Episode 61: Gary Glitter

Gary Glitter is a British Glam Rock star. His most famous song is “Rock and Roll Part 2” a song that probably have heard but might not have known who sang it. That ubiquity came in part from the song being adopted as a chant at major sporting events. Glitter established himself as a major UK celebrity in the 80s and 90s. However, the superstar had some dark secrets. His fall from grace has been spectacle due to his multiple convictions of child pornography, child sexual abuse and sex with underage women.

Episode 42: Celebrity Boxing

Celebrity boxing is a catch all of bad taste and primal desires. You got violence, seeing successful people fall from grace, endless jokes at the expense of celebrities, it’s got it all. In 2002 Fox aired two nights of celebrity boxing that forever lowered the morality of everyone who watched and participated.

Episode 12: Jared the Subway Guy

In our most upsetting episode yet we dive into the rise and fall of Jared Fogle aka Jared, the Subway Guy. At one time he was the most recognizable spokesperson in the world, now he is serving a 15 year prison sentence. Warning: this episode deals with sexual abuse, discretion is advised.