Episode 62: Joe Camel

Smoking cigarettes is bad for you… unless you make it look as good as Joe Camel did! In the early 90s, images of this anthropomorphic bad boy, leather jacket, cig smoking camel were everywhere. Donning a range of costumes, from James Bond-esque tuxedo to recently divorced dad on a motorcycle, this ad campaign was a huge success. Funny thing is, kids love cartoons. Studies showed that the Joe Camel ads created a strong brand recognition with cigs and the cartoon in children. Was Big Tobacco trying to get kids to smoke? If you had to guess, it seems pretty obvious.

Episode 61: Gary Glitter

Gary Glitter is a British Glam Rock star. His most famous song is “Rock and Roll Part 2” a song that probably have heard but might not have known who sang it. That ubiquity came in part from the song being adopted as a chant at major sporting events. Glitter established himself as a major UK celebrity in the 80s and 90s. However, the superstar had some dark secrets. His fall from grace has been spectacle due to his multiple convictions of child pornography, child sexual abuse and sex with underage women.

Episode 60: The Passion of the Christ

The Passion of the Christ is a highly controversial 2004 biblical drama directed and produced by Mel Gibson. Gibson at the time was a huge A-list celebrity and had enjoyed success directing and starring in Braveheart. Yet with no prior Christian affiliations, his decision to depict the brutal crucifixion of Jesus Christ seemed odd. The film garnered controversy for its extreme violence and anti-Semitic themes. While the film shocked and offended some, it managed to be a blockbuster success. Passion remains one of the top 10 highest grossing rated-R films.

Episode 59: Tickle Me Elmo

The 1996 release of the Tickle Me Elmo doll created an outrageous consumer frenzy. Supply could not meet up with demand, causing fights and stampedes in department stores. Scalping occurred, even John Gotti had to pull some strings to get a box of these to fall off the back of the truck. The Dumpy Boys also dive into the disturbing allegations of Kevin Clash, the puppeteer in charge of Elmo.