Episode 16: Nipplegate

Janet Jackson was one of the biggest stars on the planet in 2004. She was also booked to perform at the biggest annual televised event America has to offer. Millions upon millions of album sales and her established reputation of being an icon were not enough to protect her from public scrutiny after the most notorious “wardrobe malfunction” of all time. This is Nipplegate! 

Episode 15: Scatman John

The success story of Scatman John is truly an anomaly. A struggling jazz singer records a novelty dance song centered around an incredibly polarizing style of vocalization. Suddenly in his 50s, the Scatman finds himself an international superstar. While technically a one hit wonder, John’s positive outlook makes his road to stardom truly unique. Ski-Ba-Bop-Ba-Dop-Bop!

Episode 13: The Mystery of Al Capone’s Vaults

Live television is risky, especially when gangsters are involved. In 1986 Geraldo Rivera entered the basement of a run down Chicago hotel in hopes of discovering lost treasures of the golden age of gangsters. What he found was a successful career and the biggest joke in live television history. Spoiler alert, THERE WAS NOTHING THERE!

Episode 9: Heinz EZ Squirt Ketchup

Our friend Andy Paz joins Ryan for the third installment of Culinary Dumps. We try and make sense of Heinz’s notorious EZ Squirt line. In the early 2000’s Heinz took major risk by releasing a newly designed ketchup bottle as well as a slew of new colors of the world’s most beloved condiment.  Green, Teal, Purple, Orange, and Pink ketchup? What could go wrong? We also got to talk about Shrek so that is a plus!

Episode 8: Disco Demolition

The Disco Demolition has gone down as one of the most negative reactions to a seemingly innocent cultural movement. Filled with racial and societal implications, the Disco Demolition is as sad as it is ridiculous. Join us as we revisit the night when thousands of rowdy baseball fans gathered to blow up a giant crate of disco records. 

Episode 7: Barney and Friends

We go all the way back to a simpler time, when recess was king, when we still felt special, when love came in the form of a purple dinosaur named Barney. Ryan and Parks layout the history of the beloved character as well as the man behind the giant purple mask. Turns out this Dino has been getting busy since the show ended. 😉