Episode 118: American Gladiators Part 2

This episode of Culture Dumps is brought to you by Magic Mind. For 45% off of your order of the new 24 Hour Pack go to magicmind.com/CDJANThis episode marks the epic conclusion of our coverage of American Gladiators. Johnny Ferraro, the eccentric mind behind the show, takes “his” creation on the road and eventually to a dinner theatre. Steroid use runs rampant and the cracks start showing as ratings drop and tensions run high. Eventually, the whole thing comes crashing down. Much like Malibu during the cannonball event in season one. 

PREVIEW Ryan’s Report 2024 Year in Dumps

This is a special preview of our exclusive Patreon side series “Ryan’s Report!” This is our current events show where Ryan covers current dumps. On this special edition of Ryan’s Report, Ryan is joined by Kyle Rodrick Gridley to recap all of the most dumpable moments of 2024! To listen to the rest of the over hour-long episode go to Patreon.com/culturedumps.

Episode 117: American Gladiators Part One

This episode of Culture Dumps is brought to you by Magic Mind. For 45% off of your order of the new 24 Hour Pack go to magicmind.com/CDJAN

We are back with part one of a new double dump! Ryan and Parks dive into the sensation that was American Gladiators. Forged from longstanding down home competition, an Elvis impersonator and arm wrestling champion take their small town dreams to Hollywood and end up creating one of the most talked about shows of the late 80’s and early 90’s. But behind the all American image, there was turmoil and treachery… 

Special Episode: Interview with Mike Diana 

Mike Diana is the only artist in the history of the United States to be convicted of artistic obscenity. In the early to mid 1990’s Mike’s trial was international news. His story was born out of the ashes of the satanic panic and serial killer craze that held the country, particularly the state of Florida, in its clutches. Mike’s now infamous comic book series “Boiled Angel” landed him in jail and was the catalyst of a multi-decade legal battle, a battle in which Mike would be declared the victor. This is a story unlike any other and is easily one of the most fascinating we have covered on this show.

Episode 115: Charlie Sheen’s “Winning Era” Part Two

On our last dump, we began the saga of Charlie Sheen’s Winning Era, a low yet VERY high point in his lengthy career. After becoming the highest paid actor in television history and also one of Hollywood’s once again most eligible bachelor’s, Charlie found himself drifting back to his old ways, and after a bomb shell 20/20 interview, he reinvented himself to become the Warlock with Tiger’s Blood. Oh, and things come crashing down. Ryan is joined once again by Eric D of Methsyndicate to tell the tale.

Episode 114: Charlie Sheen’s Winning Era (Pt 1)

Oh to be alive during the great Sheen meltdown of 2011. It was a glorious time for tabloid culture and social media and content hosting platforms. The tale of Charlie Sheen is long and complex with inexplicable ups and downs. Ryan is joined by Eric D of Meth Syndicate to get to the bottom of what was really going on, and they attempt to answer the age old question, “was he actually winning?” 

Very Special Episode – Interview with Vanessa “Daisy” de la Hoya Part Two

This is the harrowing conclusion of our two part interview with the icon Vanessa “Daisy” de la Hoya. Vanessa explains the origins of Daisy and tells the true story of “Daisy of Love.” Complete with bed bugs, on camera brawls, love, loss, and plenty more that truly makes this series one of our all time best. Her story is complex and not an easy one to tell so who better to sum it all up than Daisy herself.

Very Special Episode – Interview with Vanessa “Daisy” de la Hoya Part One

The dump gods have smiled upon all of us! This is part one of our interview with the legendary Vanessa “Daisy” de la Hoya, yes, Daisy from DAISY OF LOVE and ROCK OF LOVE. This is a true glimpse into the world of some of the most notorious reality television of all time. As Daisy, Vanessa moved to LA specifically to be on Rock of Love season two.  Her charm, humor, and honesty landed her her very own dating show where a house full of hooligans competed for her love and the rest is history.

Special Episode: Interview with Jeff Uncapher

Our latest special guest is Jeff Uncapher, an accomplished reality tv producer and director with hundreds of episodes worth of credits under his belt. Jeff specializes in home renovation shows which is a realm of reality tv we have yet to dive into on this show. There’s a lot more to it than just fixing houses, there’s also grizzly bears, on site accidents, and deep personal connections to the folks Jeff and his team aim to please by helping them build their dream homes.